89 Best Team Names for Work: Funny, Creative, Catchy, & Cool (Curated & Ranked) + Generator
No matter which field you work in, chances are that teamwork is essential to some facet of your job.
Around 75% of employers consider teamwork to be very important to their business.[1][2]
A strong, collaborative culture can benefit employees, too. Over half of employees say that a sense of community and a common mission would encourage them to stay at a company.[1]
A staggering 99% say they prefer a work environment with truthful and effective discussions![1]
Whether you’re forming a project group or want to give an interesting name to your everyday team/department, we have the list of work-appropriate group name suggestions below.
Scroll past the list for our team name generator and tips on creating your own team name for work.
Team Names for Work
Optimized to Win
Business Casual
The Target Markets
Commission: Possible
Marketing Maniacs
The Innovators
Compensation Nation
The Dreammakers
Added Value
Nerds of a Feather
a play on the idiom “birds of a feather will flock together”
Respect the Process
Live Long and Market
Mind the GAAP
short for “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles”
Managers of Mayhem
IT Phone Home
a play on the line from the movie E.T. — “E.T. phone home!”
Bandwidth of Brothers
reference to the series Band of Brothers
Out of the Cubicle, Into the Fire
The Creative Minds
Innovation Squad
The Brain Trust
Business as Unusual
Hash It Out
Toil and Trouble
Ingenious Geniuses
Worker Bees
Follow the Leader
No Loose Ends
The Mighty Morphin Stock Exchangers
Reboot Rebels
Labor Force of Nature
The Magicians
Wii Work Hard
Optimal Operators
Labor Force Tribe
Shipshape Patrol
Clever Endeavors
The Achievements
Risky Business
Back to the Lab
The "Will Do" Crew
Who's the Boss?
Sell Mates
Vision Quest
Caller Ballers
Vitamin 401K
Duty Cuties
The Three Profiteers
Pixel Pals
Full-Time Winners
The Odd Jobs
It's Accrual World
Deficit Demolition Team
Let's Get Fiscal
a play on “Let’s Get Physical” for accounting teams
Tax-manian Devils
Everything's Bigger in Taxes
a play on the saying, “Everything’s bigger in Texas”
Call of Duty
reference to the popular video game series
The Wolfpack
B2-Bee Keepers
a play on B2B, or “business-to-business”
Call Control
Appetite for Analytics
The Mathletes
Death & Taxes
Three Balance Sheets to the Wind
Recruiting Rampage
For Deposit Only
Anger Management
Barely Managing
Bug Squashers
B2-C You Later
a play on B2C, or “business-to-consumer”
Bull Market Bunch
Sultans of Sales
Keep Calm & Sell On
Cyberspace Cadets
Star Tech
Beta Bots
Internet Explorers
Money Never Sleeps
GitHub Says What?
White Hats
Access Denied
Business as Usual
Slayer Instincts
Dollars to Doughnuts
Work Team Name Generator
How to Create a Good Team Name for Work
Create your own team names for work using the following tips:
- Consider how specific you want to be. Team names that only make sense to someone with particular work expertise or personal background may not work for your team. For example, naming your team “Wii Work Hard” might not be funny if your audience isn’t familiar with video games; likewise, a name that draws on one specific element of marketing theory may be confusing to non-marketers in your company. General names usually work better unless your team/company specializes in one area. It can be awkward when a judge or your boss is reading your team name out loud, and you can tell they don’t get the joke or pun.
- Keep it office-appropriate. Stay away from funny team names that are racy or include any objectionable language. No matter how casual and open your work environment is, it’s always a good idea to maintain a sense of professionalism, so you don’t alienate any team members (or give others the wrong impression of your team).
- Don’t put others down. Everyone at your company is on the same team, so even if you’re creating a group name for a competitive task (e.g., which team has the best pitch for a new product line), you shouldn’t choose a mean-spirited name. Aim to uplift your own team without tearing down others. Additionally, using your team’s name to mock or exclude someone of a different gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender identity can hurt others, cause division, and result in you and/or your team getting in trouble.