137 Best Mental Health Team/Group Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator
One in five adults in the U.S. experience some form of mental illness, and about one in 20 people experience severe cases.[1]
Still, only around 45% of adults with mental illness in the U.S. receive treatment each year,[1] highlighting the importance of increased mental health care groups and programs.
Research shows that support groups — whether family-led or professionally-led — are very effective.[2]
Whether you’re creating a support group or therapy group or are a mental health professional visiting a conference or naming an advocacy group, it’s important to find a name that reflects your team or group’s purpose in a way that is sensitive to people with mental health struggles.
Below, we list mental health group name ideas — plus, scroll past the list to find a name generator and tips for creating your own group name.
Mental Health Team/Group Names
Every Mind Matters
Through a New Lens
Accepting Who We Are
The Stress Resistant Squad
Life Beyond the Stigma
Healing Together
A Better You[3]
Mighty Minds[3]
Mindful Warriors
Helping Hearts[3]
Feelings Forward[4]
Breaking the Silence
Kindred Hearts
Mindful Movers
Insights on Wellness
combining “conversation” and “care”
Project Peace
Minds Matter[4]
Restoring Minds
Lessons of Self-Kindness
The Best Life Brigade
Revitalized Minds[5]
New Perspectives[3]
Team B-Well[5]
Our Path, Our Journey
Inside Transformation[6]
Emotional Health Solutions Club
Mending Mindsets
The Brain Support Brigade
Coping for Health
In Touch[6]
Minds Over Matter[5]
Clear the Head[5]
A&A Group
short for “awareness and acceptance”
Hope & Beyond[5]
The Stigma-Free Zone
No Judgement, No Indifference
Embodied Minds[6]
Working Productively, Coping Effectively
Mind Mavericks
The Healthy Minds Collective
Finding a Purpose
Project Mind Conscious[5]
Experts at Mending
The Wellbeing Foundation
Increasing Awareness, Erasing Stigmas
Sunlight and Candor
With Help Comes Hope
Sound Minds & Bodies
The Positivity Brigade
The Healthy Minds Network
Small Steps
Accentuating the Positive
Essential Mental Insights
An Expanded Safety Net
Learning to Manage
E.I. Alliance
meaning “emotional intelligence”
The No Barriers Brigade
Team of Tolerance
Cleansing Conversations[4]
Countering the Negative
Stress Solvers Club
Holding Hope[3]
Not Just Getting Over It
Uncommon Connections[6]
Boosting Brain Acceptance
Equal Opportunity Healing
Expanding Acceptance
Solutions Through Discussions
Abilities, Not Limitations
Widening Mental Wellness
Willing to Talk About It
Beginning the Conversation
Talking Through It
In a Safe Headspace
Educating Ourselves and Others
Rediscovering Ourselves
The Extensive Empathy Network
Support and Compassion Always
Coping Skills Enhanced
The Vital Connections Crew
A Supportive Environment
Doorways to Acceptance
Gentle Journey
The Mindful Mandate[5]
Mental Milestones League
Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives
The Healthy Dispositions
Accentuating the Cognitive
Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness
Understanding Our Minds
The Mending Minds League
Threshold of Hope
No Longer Misunderstood
Mending Thoughts
Culture of Wellbeing
Redefining Strength and Dignity
Advocating Healthy Minds
The Mind, Body, & Spirit Network
Healthy Minds in Harmony
Wellness Is Indispensable
Claiming Our Health
Cohorts of Compassion
Life Workshop[3]
Emotional Health Network
Talking It Out
The Self-Kindness Crew
Let's Meditate
The Therapy Troop
The Supportive Dialog Squad
The Coping Center[6]
The Brain Backers Brigade
The Open Dialog Group
The Ceasing Fears Crew
Stress Busters
Trusted Support[4]
Winning Our Battles
Tracking Gratitude
Making Plans, Dreaming Dreams
Lessened Burdens
Network of Understanding
Protection, Care, and Compassion
We Encourage Empathy
The Candid Conversations Group
Nothing Left Unresolved
Vanquishing Our Fears
No More Stigmas!
The Right Headspace
Awareness Is Vital
Applying Full Potential
Taking on the Mind
An Appeal for Wellness
Improving Our Mindset
Talk Traders[4]
Mental Health Group Name Generator
How to Create a Good Mental Health Group Name
A good mental health group name can promote positive growth for both mental health professionals and those who need mental health support.
Keep the following tips in mind to create a strong name:
- Use positive language. Mental health groups, whether professional or for those seeking care, should keep a positive tone. Positivity shows acceptance and understanding rather than disapproval. A positive name can help defy the stigmas associated with mental health and mental health treatment.
- Debunk negative stereotypes. There are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding mental health within the general public. Consider using your mental health group name to debunk stereotypes. For example, people often describe those with mental health struggles as “unbalanced”; you could use the word “balanced” in your group name instead.
- Reflect wellness and self-care. Regardless of what your group specializes in or who it’s intended for, the mental health field generally embraces wellness and self-care. Reflecting these concepts in your group name can add to the positive tone and show that you’re focused on mental health solutions.
- Be respectful. Along with positivity, respect is an essential element of any mental health group name. Sarcastic or snarky names are not well-suited for mental health groups.