71 Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator
Diversity recognizes that everyone is different, and inclusion means that people aren’t excluded but are valued for their differences.
A lack of diversity and inclusion is shown to lead directly to discrimination.[1]
A study of Millennials and Gen Z reveals that almost 50% of job seekers in that age group look for inclusive employers. Diversity and inclusion are essential when it comes to hiring and retaining the best talent.[1]
Our list of diversity and inclusion team names features a range of great options suitable for any group. If you’d like to create your own team name, we also offer some tips below the list.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team Names
The Medley
Strength in Differences
Better Together
Unbroken Links
Inclusive Innovators
We Belong
Beyond Differences
Multicultural Matrix
Inclusion Coalition
Voices Heard
[Company Name] Diversity & Inclusion Council[2]
Equity Team
Alliance for Inclusion
Including YOU!
Common Ground
Change Makers
Without Exception
[Company Name] Diversity Network[2]
Unity Squad
United we Stand
Global Impact
The Allies
Cultural Competence Forum
One for All
Respect Coalition
[Company Name] Inclusion Alliance
The Advocates
Emote Kindness
Intercultural Alliance
Harmony Hub
Differences Welcome!
Side by Side
Respecting Others
Diversity Council
Unified Directive
Belonging Group
Lift one Another
Harmony Council
Inclusive Leadership Forum
Shared Inspirations
Labor Cooperative
A Lot Alike
Universal Union
Allies Inc.
No Limits
No Different
Fairness Force
Shoulder to Shoulder
Diversity and Inclusion Team Name Generator
How to Create Your Own Diversity and Inclusion Team Names
Create your own diversity and inclusion team names using the following tips:
- Choose a single word that encompasses the meaning of diversity and inclusion. This can be as simple as looking up the meaning of the words “diversity” and “inclusion” and considering all synonyms. Dig through all the terms that reflect your team’s goals until you find the perfect one.
- Keep it professional and positive. Your name can be creative and inspiring but should still sound professional and appropriate for the group’s setting. Keeping a positive tone is also best since your goal is to be welcoming to everyone!
- Find a quote about diversity and inclusion that you love and use it to create a team name. For example, a quote may talk about how our strength is in our differences rather than our similarities, so you could create a team name like Strength in Differences.
- Get inspiration from your team. Have your team members each submit a team name option and put the final choice to a vote. If several names end up at the top, you may be able to find a way to combine different choices into one unique name. Get creative!