53 Young Adult Ministry Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Research has shown that individuals raised attending church regularly and practicing daily prayer or meditation generally grow up to have greater satisfaction in life and are less likely to see premature death.[1][2]
Young adults who pray or meditate daily are also more likely to report higher levels of happiness than those who don’t.[1]
Being part of a young adult ministry is a great way to connect with Jesus Christ, to your church, and to other like-minded individuals in your community.[3]
Whether you’re in charge of your own young adult ministry or you’re a member looking to improve unity, you’ll find the list of young adult ministry names below.
We also have a name generator and tips to help you create your own name ideas.
Young Adult Ministry Names
Chosen Generation
short for “young adults reaching divinity”
Pathfinders of Life
short for “young adults in prayer”
Faith Renewed
Apprentices of Jesus Christ
New Creations
Humble Believers
Young and Free in Christ
Seeking His Kingdom Always
Young but Powerful
short for “young adult ministry”
New Adult Fusion
[Church name]'s Young Adults
Fishers of Man
God's YA Task Force
Bible Questers
Spiritual Leaders
College Christians
Finding our Way
New Adults Lighting the World
Young Adult Alliance
Core Values
Young Adults in Service
Trail Blazers
Refuge from Sorrows
We Rejoice in Him
Fresh Fire
Christians in Bloom
Fresh Momentum
Embracing Life With the Lord
We Believe
Scripture Adventurers
Renewed in our Savior
Truth Abiders
YA Shephards of Truth
Amped Up
Emerging Disciples
New Lease on Life
Navigating Mortality
Young Warriors of Truth and Light
Summit Voyagers
YA Impact
Young Ambassadors of the Lord
Grateful Followers
Professors of Truth
Christ is our Culture
Lost but Found
Spiritual Fire Starters
Young Disciples of What is Right
Young Adults United in Christ
Level 5[4]
short for “learning every valuable earthly lesson”
Young Adult Ministry Name Generator
How to Create Your Own Young Adult Ministry Names
For a name that’s truly unique to your ministry group, you may want to create your own.
Here, you’ll find tips for coming up with terrific options to choose from:
- Remember that it’s okay to make the name fun and lighthearted. Your ministry’s name doesn’t have to be serious. Of course, you’ll want to keep it tame and on-topic, but it’s okay to inject a little humor or positivity too.
- Consider your group’s key goals, favorite activities, or slogan. You can use these for inspiration in creating a ministry name. For instance, if one of your priorities is to promote kindness, you could name your ministry something like “Acts of Kindness.”
- Gather ideas from members. The next time your ministry group gets together, you might set aside some time for brainstorming names. This is a fun activity and will likely lead to several good options tailored specifically to your group. You might also want to take a vote among the members to determine the final choice.
- Consider including your church, university, or town name. This is a great starting point when you’re struggling to find inspiration. To keep things simple, you could try adding words like “Christ,” “Holy,” or “Christians” in combination with one of these to create something like “YA Christians of Chicago” or “Notre Dame’s Followers of Christ.”