199 Best Women’s Ministry Group Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Women’s ministry allows women to connect over their faith and grow in Christ by learning to apply the gospel’s teachings to everyday life.
It’s an essential ministry to any church community; even in the Bible, the apostle Paul instructs the pastor Titus to allow the older women in the church to care for and minister to the younger women.[1]
Large-scale women’s ministries include The Salvation Army’s national Women’s Ministries,[2] but your group doesn’t need more than a few members who are devoted to growing in their faith to get started.
A good women’s ministry name can inspire your members and help draw new people to your group. See our list of women’s ministry group name ideas below, plus tips for creating your own unique name!
Women’s Ministry Group Names
Daughters of Promise
Sisters in Christ
Women of Worth
The Well
Proverbs 31 Women
Daughters of the King
Beauty and Grace
short for “living in faith together”
Powerful Praying Women
Women of Faith
Women at the Well
Faith Over Fear
Women of Purpose
Flourishing in Christ
Women of Valor
Clothed in Strength
Girls of Grace
New Life in Christ
Circle of Friends
Women of the Word
Soul Sisters[4]
Sisters of Strength
Women Renewed
Lead Us to the Cross
Taking Up Our Cross
short for “Jesus, others, you”
Greek for “fellowship”
Treasured Hearts
Esther's Circle
Women on a Mission
Flourishing in Christ
The Sister Circle
Laughing Without Fear
Seeking Sisters
The Sisterhood
Bible Cafe
Living Out Loud
The Lord's Ladies
Disciple Daughters
Gracious Women of God
He Restores Our Souls
Women of Hope
short for “healed, encouraged, accepted, loved, empowered, delivered”
Heart Sisters
Path Finders[6]
Beams of Light
Joy In The Lord
Church Chicks
God Is With Us
Staying Inspired
Women in Unity
Our All in All
Rejoicing Always
Beams of Joy
Women of Joy
Growing in Wisdom
She Stands Strong
A Lamp For Our Feet
Thy Presence Our Light
Ladies of Light
Awakened Souls[6]
Women of Wisdom
Draw Us Close
Steady On
Walking With God
Devoted Women
Sisters in Spirit
Be Still[4]
Ladies of Grace
Hearts Set On Things Above
Women of Victory
Looking Upward
Lifted Up
Clothed in Hope
His Love Rescues Us
Saving Grace
short for “delight in God’s salvation”
Soli Deo Gloria[4]
Latin for “glory to God”
A Light For Our Path
Christ is Our King
Washed in His Blood
Points of Grace
Women of Strength
Always Rejoicing
Lights Burning Bright
Girls Gathering Together
Our Greatest Purpose
Jesus Keep Us Near
Awaken Our Souls
Sisters in Service
Our Victory is in Jesus
Immeasurable Joy
Give Us Jesus
Rejoicing in the Lord Always
Gathering Hope[7]
You Are Loved
Ladies for the Lord
Sun of Our Soul
Walking by Faith
We Come With Joy
Our Hope Endures
Sharing Our Faith
By His Wounds
Finding Peace
Glorifying Him
Living Compassion
On Fire for Christ
Heart to Heart Ministries
Our Savior Leads Us
Team Alleluia!
Lead Us, Guide Us
All Are Welcome
Women of Courage
Overflowing Hearts
Daughters of a Mighty Father
We Exalt Him
Abiding in Christ
We Bow Down
Believing in His Word
Clothed in Humility
God Is In Control
It Is Well With Our Souls
United in Hope
Living Christ's Love
We Will Praise Him
Our Song Shall Rise to Thee
The Lord is Our Strength
Send Us, Lord
Inspired by Glory
The Lord is Our Shepherd
Truth Seekers
We Are Adored
We Come to the Garden
Victory in Jesus
In the Palm of His Hands
Church Chicas
Committed to Christ
All to Him We Owe
Glimpses of Glory
Clothed in Joy
Healing Our Souls
Seeking Light[7]
Growing in Faith
Jesus is Ours
Soul Awakening[7]
We Are Transformed
Here We Are, Lord
Taking Everything to God in Prayer
Infinite Hope
GLEE Club[3]
short for “God loves everyone equally”
We Are Enough
Seeking Refuge in Christ
Reborn in Christ
We Owe Him All
Our Hope Is in Him
Living to Worship
Letting Our Light Shine
Everlasting Faith
Live Loud[7]
Blossoming Souls
Christ is Our Oasis
A Heavenly Place
Dwelling in His Shelter
Beams of Hope
Disciples United[6]
Hope Out Loud
Clothed in Dignity
Jesus is Ours
Eternal Hope
Fountain of Blessings
Seeking Peace Like a River
Jesus Keep Us Near
We Are Yours Lord
Precious Lord, Take Our Hands
He Is Our Light
Infinite Love
Sheltered in God's Arms
Walking Closely With Jesus
Our Savior, Our God
We Love to Praise
We Trust In You
Our Greatest Mission
Our Shepherd Leads Us
We Surrender All
Praising Our Father
Praising Our Savior
We All Need Jesus
Hold Our Hearts
Find more ideas in our list of church group names for adults (appropriate for men or women) and prayer group names.
Women’s Ministry Group Name Generator
How to Create a Good Women’s Ministry Group Name
The best women’s ministry group names are both reverent and welcoming, conveying the group’s devotion and purpose.
To create your own unique women’s ministry group name, consider the following tips, which we used when creating our list:
Take inspiration from your Bible — and elsewhere.
If there’s a particular verse, quote, or song you love, you can use or adapt the words to create your women’s ministry name.
For example, “Clothed in Strength” comes from Proverbs 31:25; “Clothed in Hope” is inspired by the same passage but puts a unique spin on it.
You can listen to worship music, read through your favorite passages, or even listen to sermons and faith-based podcasts for inspiration.
Choose a positive, affirming name.
A women’s ministry group helps its members learn and grow in their faith.
A positive and affirming name will help your members feel motivated and inspired to continue their growth. It will also contribute to your group’s welcoming atmosphere.
Consider your audience.
You should consider the demographics of your group, the other groups available at your church, and the type of people you want to attract when choosing your ministry name.
While you don’t need to include a word like “women” or “ladies” in your group name, these can help potential new members find your women’s ministry more easily (especially if you promote the group on social media or your church website).
However, group names that don’t include these words may attract a broader range of potential members; for example, a young adult woman may assume that a “ladies” group would exclude her based on her age.
Be inclusive and avoid using “insider” jargon.
Some current or potential ministry group members may be new to the faith or new to deeper religious study. Terms like “anointed” or “koinonia” may be confusing or intimidating to these members.
As noted above, your group name should be welcoming; using too much jargon can make the group seem more exclusive than it is and discourage people from joining.