63 Best Project Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Project teams allow for innovative solutions through cooperation between diverse thinkers.
Teamwork is shown to bring results that outperform individual efforts, as well as help people enjoy their work more[1] and improve their productivity.[2]
Whether you’re a student teaming up for a classroom project or an employee brainstorming with colleagues on a work project, giving a name to your project team can motivate and promote good teamwork.
One of the 60+ options on our list may fit your project team, or you can create a unique project team name using our tips below the list.
Project Team Names
Epic Inc.
Aim Achievers
Achievers Alliance
Project Time
Collab Force
Simply the Best
Project Posse
Power To Perform
Saga Society
Project Co-op
All for One
Project Warriors
Project Ninjas
Elite Clan
Talent Tribe
Monarchy Force
Hustle Legion
Mutual Matrix
Guiding Lights
Top Caliber
Action Agency
Concerted Efforts
Perfect Planners
Goal Reachers
Action Plan
Project Icons
We're Golden
At the Peak
Finesse Force
Project Power
Peak Level
Goal Focused
The Experts
Great Guild
Venture Zone
Get Her Done
Larry the Cable Guy’s catchphrase
Ideas Incorporated
Concept Collective
Plan Patrol
Specialists Squad
Allied Association
Allstar Crew
Flair for Projects
Cooperation Clan
Vision & Mission
Project Team Name Generator
How to Create a Great Project Team Name
The perfect name for your team will depend on a number of variables, including your team members’ personalities, your team’s purpose, and what you want to inspire in your members.
Create a great project team name with the following tips:
- Gear your team name to your specific project or field. Our list of team names is usable for any team project. However, knowing the details of your project, you can use terms and phrases related directly to your work to create a name unique to your specific team and project. See our work and school categories for ideas related to specific career and study fields, such as programming and chemistry.
- Research past projects for inspiration. Of course, your team will want its own new, unique project moniker, but you may find inspiration by researching previous projects completed by your team or others. Sometimes just reading a great name will get your creativity flowing! If you find a previously-used name that you really like, think of ways to change it up to make it your own.
- Use words and phrases that describe your abilities or experience. Find words or phrases that collectively describe the capabilities of your team. Be sure to keep your project team name appropriate and professional, depending on your environment. A teacher might allow some leeway for funny (but not obscene) names, for example, while a workplace might be more strict. Use your best judgment!