51 Best Disc Golf Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Disc golf offers a fun, inexpensive, active hobby similar to regular golf.
The difference is that unlike regular golf, which uses a ball and clubs, disc golf players use Frisbees![1]
The sport has been around since the 1970s. Both the Frisbee and the Disc Golf Pole Hole were invented by the same man — “Steady” Ed Headrick, known as the father of disc golf.[2]
The popularity of disc golf has boomed in the past few years! There are now more than 13,000 courses worldwide.[3]
A great disc golf team name can provide a light-hearted moniker for your disc golf group.
Our list includes a variety of options, or see our tips below to create a disc golf team name of your own.
Disc Golf Team Names
Floppy Discs[4]
The Dirty Birdies
Sub Par Posse
Fight or Flight
Disc-y Business[5]
Disc Devils[4]
Thumb and Thumber[6]
Big DiscGrace[4]
Plastic Junkies[6]
Lord of the Flings[5]
The Frisbeans[5]
Just a Fling[5]
Back 9 Bandits[4]
The Worm Burners
The Disc Derelicts
Just Putt Up
Disc Qualified[7]
Putt Up & Drive[4]
The Bogey Brothers
Game of Throws[6]
Par None[8]
Hammer Time[4]
Disc Dodgers[9]
Flying Saucers[4]
Bird Up[9]
Talk Birdie to Me[7]
Good Disc Karma
The Flying Saucers
Disc Jockey Diablos
Five Flinger Discount[5]
Disc-O Fever[5]
Sidearm Slingers[5]
No Obstacles
Out of Bounds
Escape Shot Heroes
The JusDISC League
Epic Potential
Frizzing Whizbees[5]
The Floaters[5]
Discrete DISCriminators[5]
Air Bounce Aces
Disc Skillz
The Dirty Aces
Putt City Crew
Albatross Inc.
Disc Golf Team Name Generator
How to Create a Great Disc Golf Team Name
Create a great disc golf team name using the following tips:
- Take suggestions from your group. It’s always fun to involve the whole team in the naming process. You can take a suggestion from each team member and then put the final choice to a vote.
- Combine several options into one great team name. If you have several favorite options and you just can’t decide which to use, find a creative way to combine them to come up with a totally unique name.
- Use each team member’s first initial to create an acronym. You can have each member come up with a word using their first initial, then put together an acronym with all of the initials/words.
- Create a name based on your team’s strengths or weaknesses. Think of a list of words that accurately describe your teammates and choose the one that’s most fitting for your group.