53 Best Survivor Tribe/Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator
“Survivor” first aired in the U.S. in 2000.[1]
More than 20 years and 500+ episodes later,[2] the show has had winners ranging from 21 to 57 years old and contestants ranging from 18 to 75![3]
Dedicated fans of the show arrange events of their own, including overnight contests where participants take part in “Survivor”-style games for charity — sometimes alongside actual cast members![4]
Whether you’re competing in a “Survivor” event, doing “Survivor” trivia, or simply love the show, your tribe name can be new and unique or come directly from the TV show.
Below, we list more than 50 survivor tribe name ideas; those marked with an asterisk (*) come directly from the “Survivor” TV series.
If you want to create your own unique survivor tribe name, we also offer some tips below the list!
Survivor Tribe/Team Names
Sapphire Shield Tribe
Assiduous Tribe
Raiders Tribe
Chaos Tribe
Nightmare Tribe
Heroes Tribe*
Invincible Tribe
Grim Tribe
Unbreakable Sword Tribe
Phoenix Ashes Tribe
Spirit Arrow Tribe
Rovers Tribe
Yin Yang Tribe*
Savage Thunder Tribe
Mango Mania Tribe
Reckless Rage Tribe
Villains Tribe*
Rabid Tribe
Ancestor's Auras Tribe
Mogo Mogo Tribe*
Saboga Tribe*
Marauders Tribe
Brazen Ravens Tribe
Bitter Crow Tribe
Soko Tribe*
Timbira Tribe*
Phantom Fury Tribe
Tikiano Tribe*
Infamous Brothers Tribe
Lightening Tribe
Butcherz Tribe
Pagong Tribe*
Vata Tribe*
Kalokalo Tribe*
Malolo Tribe*
Balboa Tribe*
Savage Embers Tribe
Misty River Tribe
Saloni Tribe*
Seers Tribe
Chuay Jai Tribe*
Dabu Tribe*
Kucha Tribe*
Futuristic Tribe
Progress Tribe
Manono Tribe*
Yawa Tribe*
Meticulous Tribe
Industrious Tribe
Sedulous Tribe
Aiga Tribe*
Original Axe Tribe
False Oracle Tribe
Survivor Tribe Name Generator
How to Create an Awesome Survivor Tribe Name
Create a personalized survivor tribe name using the following tips:
- Think about what will motivate you to continue. You and your tribe should choose a name that will keep you going when you may feel like quitting. You can use just one motivational word followed by “Tribe,” or choose a short phrase that will inspire you to remain in the game.
- Create a brand new word or phrase. Take inspiration from some of the more unusual Survivor tribe names that have been used in the past and create a new word or phrase of your very own. Make up a word, combine words, or change the spelling of a word. Your name is sure to be unique since it has never been heard before!
- Choose your name based on a favorite “Survivor” contestant’s name. If you and your tribe have a “Survivor” that you admire, why not transform their name into a unique team name? You can use a first or last name or even a nickname, then perhaps add an interesting descriptive word to complete your tribe name.