77 Best Superhero Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator
Superheroes have been around since the early 1900s when the very first superhero, Hugo Hercules, premiered in a newspaper comic.[1]
Like many of today’s superheroes, Hugo Hercules was a common man on the surface — but just happened to be gifted with superhuman strength![1]
As superhero stories grew in popularity, superhero teams also emerged. One of the earliest was the Justice Society of America, which first appeared in the early 1940s and included The Atom and The Flash, among other heroes.[2]
Superhero teams are strong, brave, and always ready to fight against evil.
Whether you’re a Marvel maniac or DC devotee, choose from our list of more than 70 options below, or scroll past the list for our tips on creating your own superhero team names.
Superhero Team Names
Nova Unit[3]
The New Legion[4]
The Elite Force[5]
Trinity Angels[6]
Power Pack[5]
The Elite[7]
The Guardians[5]
Secret Six[3]
The Mirages[8]
Protectors of the Age[9]
The Vagabonds[10]
The Storm Force[10]
The Goliaths[8]
The Supreme Alliance[4]
Triad Wings[7]
The Defenders[3]
The Wonders[3]
World Watch[3]
Omega Men[3]
Team Infinity[9]
The Enigmas[8]
Guardian Warriors[7]
The Maestros[3]
Warriors of the Universe[6]
Cobra Heroes[6]
Aurora Squad[7]
The Omega Battalion[10]
The Nebulas[10]
Planet Protectors[9]
The Infernals[6]
The Heralds[5]
Time Heroes[9]
The Aura Clan[3]
Alpha Flight[11]
The Whispers[8]
The Destiny Knights[9]
The Future League[8]
Shadow Cabinet[3]
Quartet Threat[3]
The Spectrals[3]
The Deviations[7]
Mirage Troopers[6]
The Aberrations[6]
Crisis Masters[6]
The Coverts[8]
Apex Defenders[7]
Light Harbors[6]
The New Law Flight[4]
The Silent Ones[3]
The Divine Allies[9]
The Infinity Squadron[10]
The Prodigy Pack[5]
The Riot Wings[3]
All-Star Squadron[11]
The Paramount Watch[10]
Challenger Patrol[11]
The Transcendent Legion[4]
Saviors of the Earth[9]
Nova Masters[7]
Force Works[11]
Chief Rebels[11]
Women of Steel[9]
The Behemoth Heroes[3]
Superhero Team Name Generator
How to Create Your Own Superhero Team Names
If you’d prefer to create your own unique superhero team name, keep the following tips in mind while brainstorming:
- Stick to the formulas. Superhero stories follow certain patterns, making it easy for you to create an excellent team name. In comics and movies, you’ll often see names that follow the formulas of “single word” (Avengers, Defenders, Exiles), “organization + location” (Justice League of America), and “adjective + number of members” (Fantastic Four). Follow these formulas to quickly create a list of ideas.
- Choose words that convey strength. Words like “mighty,” “supreme,” and “force” can emphasize the power of a superhero team. Similarly, words like “divine” and “elite” can show that the group was born to succeed.
- Think of the team’s purpose. Is the team a well-rounded, world-saving crew with a wide variety of powers and skills, or does it serve a more specific purpose, such as environmental protection or fighting against corruption? You can use these traits to inform your team’s name. For example, a team with a focus on environmental protection might choose a phrase that includes “green,” “planet,” “forest,” or other nature-related words.
- Create a word from your team members’ names. One way to do this is to use the first letter of each team member’s first name, last name, nickname, or superhero name. For example, Wes, Randall, Pete, Owen, and Elle could become Team POWER. If your team has a leader, you can also craft a team name around their name, such as Wes & the Wonders.