63 Best Purple Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Purple is a fantastic color that symbolizes royalty, encouragement, and wisdom.[1]
While it isn’t the most common color for teams, it may be a perfect choice for yours! After all, the purple-suited Los Angeles Lakers hold many records and have 17 championship appearances under their belts.[2][3]
Hopefully, no one on your team has porphyrophobia — the fear of the color purple.[4] If that is the case, you can still find a team name that doesn’t directly mention purple, like one inspired by orchids.
Below, we have the list of purple team name ideas, plus tips for creating your own team name.
Purple Team Names
Violet Offenders[5]
Purple Dragons[6]
Practice Makes Purple
Legends of Lilac[5]
The Orchids
Hearts of Purple
Purple Pain[7]
Purple Ping Pong Balls
Lavender Lineup[6]
The Eggplants
Time Is Purple
Purple Haze
Purple Cobras[6]
The Lavender Sprigs
Shades of Purple
Purple Reigns
Purple Squirrels[7]
Purple Helmets[6]
The Lavender League[5]
The Purple Aura Brigade
Wavelengths in Purple
Elements of Purple Royalty
The Violet Blues
The Purple Cows
Purple Piglets
The Amethyst Crystals
The Purple People
Here for Purple
Purple Every Day
The Purple Twilights
The Purple Patches
Purple Paisley League
Mystical Purple Sunsets
The Grapevine Eavesdroppers
Plum Crazy
We've Got the Beets
The Purple Rose Force
Gang Violets[7]
Purple Rain Regalia
Everyday Purple Magic
Thin Purple Line
Lost in the Purple
Better in Purple
The Purpleologists[5]
Mulberry Movement[5]
The Purple Tulip Bunch
Always in Purple Hats
Attack of Lilac
Purple Prose Club
The Purple Rose Assembly
Periwinkle Perfection
Lilac Attack[6]
Purple Garden Network
The Purple Nobility Set
Purple Plushies
Ribbons of Purple
Turning Violet
Perennial Purple Wildflowers
Purple Spring Blooms
Purple Sparks[6]
Grape Jelly
Kaleidoscope of Purple
The Purple Carrots
Purple Team Name Generator
How to Create a Great Purple Team Name
Use the following tips to create your own purple team name options:
- Name your team after something purple. A wide variety of flowers, fruits, and other common things are purple. Choose a few of your favorites or gather suggestions from your team to choose the perfect name.
- Use a specific shade rather than just “purple.” The shades of purple range from the deep reddish-purple of mulberry to the soft purple of lilacs. Have your team choose a specific shade of purple as its designated color (if it doesn’t already have a shade in mind), and brainstorm other words that pair well with that shade.
- Use a nonsensical pairing! Make your teammates and others laugh with a name that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Pair “purple” with something that obviously isn’t purple — like our list’s “Purple Piglets” and “The Purple Cows” — for a unique and funny team name.