151 Best Political Fantasy Football Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator
Some people choose to keep their politics separate from the rest of their life.
However, if you follow politics as closely as you follow football and are loud and proud about your political opinions, you might want to combine your passions and choose a political name for your fantasy football team.
After all, some would say that sports have always been political! For as long as leagues have existed, fans have cheered and booed politicians for making appearances at games or bringing luck (bad or good) to the team.
And, in fact, the Super Bowl is only able to air on television because of an intervention by Congress that exempted the NFL from certain antitrust laws.[1][2]
Below, we have the list of political fantasy football team name ideas — plus, scroll past the list for tips on creating your own name.
Political Fantasy Football Team Names
Make Football Great Again
Barack, Paper, Scissors
Beware the Human Iceberg
Coastal Elites
Critical Plays Theory
a play on “critical race theory,” a hot-button subject among politicians
No Collusion
The Overturned
a reference to Supreme Court rulings
Trump Cards
The Wall Tumbles Down
The Sleepy Creepy Joes
The Bad Hombres[3]
Privilege of Choice
High Tax & High Corruption
The Shifty Pencil Necks
Rocket Man in the Atmosphere
Jumping on the Bandwagon
Raiding the Public Purse
Never Walking Backward
The Deep State
The Pollsters
Election Steelers[3]
Gallup Poll[4]
Not So Silent Majority
Speaking of Scandals
Secretive Like Slick Willie
The Trumplethinskins
Governed by Inferiors
Political Deceivers
Declining Approval Ratings
Make America Deflate Again
Falling for Fake News
Not So Grand Old Party
Basket of Deplorables
The Swing Voters
Department of Homefield Security[5]
short for “Sports Action Committee,” a play on “political action committee” (PAC)
Reasonable Doubts
Oval Offense[3]
a play on the Oval Office and the team’s offense
The [Favorite Player] Administration[4]
use your favorite player’s last name
The Caucus Collective
Bipartisan Cooperatives
Band of Bleeding Hearts
Moving to Moscow
The Russian Colluders[5]
We Dissent!
Primary Winners
The Resistance[3]
Fibbers for President
Diplomatic Powers[6]
Conspiratorial Theories
The Fabricators
Committing Perjury
Making Noise, Doing Nothing
A Throne of Repeated Lies
Diplomatic Immunity
Our Patriotic Duty
Politically Incorrect
Unpresidented Presidents[3]
Warped Political Views
Combover Club
The Alternative Facts
On the Fence With Pence
Political Inferno Toupe
Trumping It Up
The Chosen Ones
Red Wave/Blue Wave[3]
Crying Clown's Fake Tears
The Fraudsters of Mystery
Here Comes the Tariff Man
A Rally of Vulgarities
The Feral Shouting Meatballs
Promising Everything
Sounding the Trumpets
Political Kryptonite
Great Political Obstructionists
Political Alter Egos
Fearing Election Interference
Living on the Senate Floor
Essentially Treasonous
Wild Left-Wing Pundits
Political Terms of Endearment
Impervious to Criticism
The Big Government Squad
The Green New Deal[4]
Speaking From the Bully Pulpit
Riding on Coattails
Checks & Balances of Power
Classic Demagogues
The Fence Menders
An Attempted Filibuster
On A Fishing Expedition
Issues on the Front Burner
Calling It Gerrymander
Step Aside Incumbents
From Inside the Beltway
Sitting Lame Ducks
Resorting to McCarthyism
Lobbying for Influence
Securing the Nomination
The Reactionary Left-Wing
Cutting the Red Tape
Rubber Chicken Circuit Group
In a Smoke-Filled Room
Spinning the Issues
The Spin Doctors
Corrupt Political Machine
Road Trip Whistle-Stoppers
Unorganized Control
Absentee Ballot Brigade
Evidence of Hypocrisy
Shakespearian References
Buried in Political Jargon
Lured by Political Swag
The Iron Triangle Alliance
Team of Snollygosters
Galvanizing the Crowds
Forming a Strategy
Swing State Battlegrounds
Some Say Nuclear, Others Say Nucular
The Misunderestimated
We Can See Russia From Here
Cutting the Fluffery
Obstacles to Solidarity
Fearing Fear Itself
Accomplishment Is a Journey
No Honor in Politics
Masquerading Principles
Professional Lip Readers
Grounded in Political Perspectives
The Trump Lexicon
Terminator or Governator?
We Will Unconditionally Surrender
A Presidency or Accidency?
The Bipartisans
Rehabilitated Political Images
On the Campaign Trail
Transcending Politics
Men of Narrow Vision
Returning to the Political Fray
Attempting to Convince Congress
Magnetic Political Shrewdness Squad
Agreeing to Disagree
Expressive Political Objections
Ringing Those Bells Like Paul Revere
The Swamp Things
The Filibusters
Tea Party Titans
Progressive Patriots
Capitol Hillbillies
The Gridlockers
Political Fantasy Football Team Name Generator
How to Create Political Fantasy Football Team Names
There’s no shortage of inspiration for political fantasy football team names — you have decades of the sport and centuries of political history to call upon!
If you’re not into any of the ideas on our list, consider the following tips, which we used to create our list:
- Look into major political events and scandals. Political events range from world-changing and significant to so silly you can’t believe they’re real. The more ridiculous the event, the funnier the team names you can make from it will be!
- Use political and football lingo. Incorporate terms like “campaign,” “caucus,” and “incumbent” from the political world or “end zone” and “huddle” from football.
- Use the names of political or sports figures. If you have a favorite (or least favorite!) player, coach, president, or founding father, you can use that person’s name in your fantasy football name. Poke fun at the person (“The Donald’s Combover”) or show reverence (“Abe’s Honest Ones”); the tone of the team name is up to you.