143 Best Orange Team Name Ideas (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Orange is known as an adventurous color,[1] so it’s perfect for a high-spirited team.
It can represent enthusiasm, courage, vitality, joy, and creativity.[1][2]
There are plenty of places to find inspiration for orange team names. In the natural world, you can find orange in sunsets, flowers, fruits, and fire.[3]
It also holds special meanings in different cultures; for example, Hindu and Buddhist monks wear orange, considering it a sacred color.[4]
See our list of fun options below, or scroll past the list for our tips on creating your own orange team name!
Orange Team Name Ideas
Orange Gators
named after the black and orange butterfly
Orange Crush
Clockwork Oranges[5]
Orange Crushers
Orange Juicers
Orange Outburst
Carrot Crew
Papaya Pulverizers[7]
Orange Gladiators
Orange Justice
Orange Sparks
named after the orange tigers
Orange Devils
Good as Gold[7]
Agent Orange[8]
Amber Waves[9]
Apples to Oranges
Blood Orange Warriors
Orange Inferno
Not From Concentrate[5]
reference to natural orange juice
The Orange Phoenixes[10]
CAMP Orange[10]
stands for coral, apricot, mango, and peach — four shades of orange
Orange Dudes
Under the Orange Tree
Orange Fire
Lady Marmalades[11]
reference to the song of the same name and orange marmalade
Orange Storm
Orange Wizards
The Tangerines
Nothing Rhymes With Orange[5]
The Sour Oranges[5]
Orange You Glad to See Us?
The Glad Oranges
The Orange Ladies
a play on the word “originals”
Orange Grenades
Waves of Orange
Orange Goblins[12]
Orange Vultures
The Orange Octopi[10]
Orange Snakes
Orange on Everything
Orange Chicks
Orange Falcons
Orange Impact
Smashing Pumpkins[5]
Orange Swarm[5]
Orange Power Rangers
Orange Barracudas
The Oranges
Tropical Oranges[10]
Orange Orangutans
Oasis of Orange
The Sweet Oranges
Orange Power Girls
The Orange Popsicles
Orange You Glad We Finally Have a Name?
Orange Blossoms
Pure Fire[9]
Orange Ice
Orange Fusion
Orange Waves
Orange Demons
Orange Fever
The Orange Trees
Flying Oranges
Orange Lightning
Orange Dots
Orange With Rage
Orange Intensity
Orange Tidal Waves
Orange Freaks
Finding Nemo[5]
named after the orange cartoon fish
Outstanding Oranges
Orange Heat
Orange Fire Balls
Ginger Gang[11]
Orange Pixies
Burnt Orange Brawlers[8]
Ultimate Orange
named after the orange squash
Orange Raptors
Orange Galaxy
The Orange Peels
Peach Perfect[8]
The Orange Slices
Apricot Trotters[5]
Orange Originals[10]
Orange Hawks
Orange Zest
named after the orange cheese
Orange Warriors
Generation Orange
Orange Knights
Carrot Tops[11]
Orange Men
Blood Orange
Orange Eagles
Orange Princesses
Orange Blizzards
The Fighting Oranges
Orange Twisters
Orange Princes
The Man-gerines[8]
a play on tangerine
Orange Mist
Orange Oasis[10]
Orange Rockets
Orange Butterflies
Orange Diamonds
Orange Tigers[10]
Orange Blazers
Orange Attacks!
Orange Miracle[12]
Orange Flames
Orange Agents
Orange Ogres[10]
Mars Rovers[9]
Orange Dynamite
Lava on the Loose[6]
Orange Razors
Splash of OJ[5]
Orange Aliens
Orange Stars
Orange Thunder
Orange Tornados
Orange Fury
Orange Peelers
The Persimmons
Orange Ragers
The Sunbursts
Orange Outlaws
Citrus Squeeze
Orange Fireballs
Pumpkin Power
Orange Combustion
Flame Keepers
Orange Incendiaries
Orange Team Name Generator
How to Create an Orange Team Name
The easiest way to create an orange team name is to pair “Orange” with another word. Choose an intimidating pair like our list’s example of “Orange Devils” or a funny one like “Orange Juicers.”
There are endless options to choose from — animals, objects, characters, mythical creatures, and more.
Orange team names will usually include the word “orange,” and our list focuses on names that contain the word — but you don’t necessarily have to use it.
Unless you’re doing an activity where all teams are required to name themselves after their assigned color, you can get as creative as you want. Find inspiration from orange objects, such as carrots, pumpkins, foxes, traffic cones, or flames.
Whether you want a fun and silly name or one that will make the competition quiver with fear, orange team names are easy to create, and with so many options available, you should have no trouble finding a unique name!