87 Best “Friends” Trivia Team Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

“Friends” is one of the most iconic shows to ever air on TV and is loved worldwide, even decades after its original release.
A great “Friends” team name for trivia night will motivate your team with humor and fond memories of your favorite ’90s TV series!
Did you know that alternate titles for the show before it aired included “Insomnia Cafe,” “Friends Like Us,” and “Six of One?”[1] Or that Courteney Cox shares her character Monica’s tidiness?[2]
Along with a great team name, flexing your expertise with facts like these at your next trivia night is sure to bring your team victory!
Our list features more than 80 team name options inspired by the show’s iconic quotes, characters, and scenes.
If you’d like to create your own “Friends”-inspired trivia team name, we also offer some tips below the list!
“Friends” Trivia Team Names
The Holiday Armadillos[3]
Joey Triviani[3]
We Don't Share Food!
We'll Be There For You
The Lobsters
The Left Phalanges
The Ones With Unagi
Chandler's Sarcasm Society
A Chick and a Duck
Central Perk Peeps
Joey's Meat Sweats
The Thanksgiving Flashbacks
We Bet Our Apartment On This[4]
The Moo Points
Could We Be Wearing Any More Clothes?
I Hate Rachel Green Club[4]
Phoebes and Pheebos
Dr. Drake and the Ramorays[3]
Monica's Cleaning Crew
Chandler's Thanksgiving Toes
The Pivot Patrol
Our Eyes! Our Eyes!
Phoebe's Scientist Guys
The Nubbins[5]
Ursula's Sisterhood
We're Doctors Not Mathematicians
Stylish Like Rachel
How You Doin?
Al Pacino's Butt Doubles[4]
Way, No Way[3]
Bing's Battalion
Perfect Pals
Moving to Yemen
The Smelly Cats[3]
Emma's Mannies
The One Where We Win Trivia
We're on a Break
Paleontologist Posse
The Purple Doors
Could We Be Any More Trivial?[4]
Ross's Wedding Guests
Green's Guild
The Buffay Brigade
Caterers for Hire
Orange Sofa Squad
Ramoray's Rebels
Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
Yellow Frame Friends
Hand Twins Troupe
Ugly Dog Statues
Fountain Fellowship
Ross's Prehistoric History Guild
NYU Nation
We've Been Bamboozled
Tribbiani's Trifle Tribe
The Blackout Bunch
Ross's Rugby Club
Joey's Jellyfish
Ross's Thanksgiving Sandwiches
We're Rubber You're Glue!
Thanksgiving Pants Alliance
Marcel's Matrix
Banana Hammock People
Chandler's Pink Bunnies
The Central Perk Coffee Mugs
Ultimate Fighting Champions
Bing's Besties
The Pink Bike Band
Rachel's Assistants
Miss Chanandler Bong's Allstars
We Run Like Phoebe
Hugsy's Herd
Princess Consuela's Kin
The Real Nestle Toulouse[6]
Gunther's Group
Janice's Laugh
The London League
Barbados Hair Crew
The Evil Orthodontists
Drake Ramoray's Patients
Foosball Folly
Chummy Neighbors
Gellar Cup United
“Friends” Trivia Team Name Generator
How to Create Cool “Friends” Trivia Team Names
For more options — perhaps something personalized to your team — you can create your own cool “Friends” trivia team name.
Keep the following tips in mind while brainstorming with your team:
- Think about your favorite episodes. You can create a humorous team name using words that describe what happened in your favorite episodes — an iconic scene, central plot point, or even the episode’s title. Narrow it down to a single word or short phrase, so your team name remains catchy and easy to remember.
- Use your favorite character as a starting point. Though all of the characters on “Friends” are lovable, everyone has a favorite “Friend.” Maybe you love food as much as Joey or have a sarcastic sense of humor like Chandler. Use your favorite character’s name or personality traits to inspire your team. “Friends” also had many guest stars and memorable side characters through the years — you can consider names beyond the core group of friends.
- Get inspired by the show’s locations. Think about the places the characters worked, lived, and visited. You can incorporate names like Central Perk (the group’s favorite coffee shop/hangout) or Bloomingdale’s (where Rachel worked) into your team name.