191 Best Assassin Guild/Group Names Listed (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

We think of assassins as people who commit murder, specifically the murder of someone politically or culturally important.[1]
For example, John Wilkes Booth was President Abraham Lincoln’s assassin.[2]
However, did you know the first assassin group was actually a religious group? They were known as the “Hashashim,” “Hashishin,” or “Hashashiyyin,” and targeted Crusaders during the medieval period.[3]
Assassins are dangerous and highly skilled, so when creating a name for your assassin guild, you’ll probably want to choose something aggressive — but you can also choose something ominously funny or ironic.
Below, we list name ideas for assassin guilds. You can also scroll past our list to find a name generator and tips for creating your own guild names.
Assassin Guild/Group Names
Black Rose[4]
The Silencers
Crimson Blades[5]
The Sicarii[6]
The Crows[5]
The Reapers[5]
Shadow Serpents[7]
Crimson Chalice[7]
The Raven's Perch[5]
Raven's Claw[4]
The Nakam[8]
Hebrew for “revenge”
The Sacred Hand[9]
Sword Dancers[10]
Guild of Phantoms[5]
Nightfall Syndicate
Whispering Hands[7]
Children of Night[5]
Shadow Daggers[7]
The Brood[4]
The Iron Ring[11]
The Guild of Hashashin[9]
Black Widow Brigade
Shadow Knights
Crimson Fangs
Silent Storm
Ghostly Blades
Shadow Dragons[7]
Skull Hounds[7]
Knights of the Dark[12]
The Snake Pit[5]
Soul Reapers
Royal Vagabonds[10]
The Contract Men
Death Mongers[5]
Technically Accurate Team
Flames of the Wicked[12]
Guild of Reapers[5]
Shadow Crows
Dark Reapers
Unseen Blades
Back in Black
Overthrowing the Monarchy
Elegant & Dangerous
With Murderous Intent
The Hidden Village[11]
Dark Dagger[10]
Doom Hounds[7]
Rising From the Shadows
Teatime's Team
Button Men Brigade
Hidden Blades & Common Poisons
Night's Blade
Shinobi Circle[6]
Blade Runners
Melee Matrix
Casket Nails[11]
Murder, Inc.[8]
Viper House Rules
Failure Is Fatal
Primary Butcher Brigade
The Family[11]
Stealth Assassin's Network
Free Reign to Assassinate
Silent Huntsmen
Ghostly Hoods
Assassins Gone Rogue
Kitana's Krew
Mortal Kombat
Bell Tower Butchers
Indiscriminate Enemies
Fire Knives[10]
Certified Humans Group
In Command of Shadows
The Corvo Collective
The Deathly Rumors[11]
Unleashing the Chaos
Against the Infinite Evils
The Red Menace[5]
Blade Dancers
The Borderlands Badasses
Warrior Knights United
The Sacred Band of Thebes[6]
Murderous Masters
Eminently Professional
Framed for Murder
Abstract Assassination Abilities
The Banshee's Wall[5]
Villains of Fear[12]
Death Merchants[5]
The Skull Shatter Squad
Always Unpredictable
Inhumed by Fear
In the Cave Network
Always Vaguely Bored
Not Your Typical Assassins
On a Revenge Tour
Daggers are a Girl's Best Friend
The Agent 47 League
Unspecified Methods
For Money, For Creed, For Survival
Vengeance Motives
Utilizing the Crossbows
The Bloodletters
Stealthy Slayers
Vindictive Shadows
Assassinating the Corrupt
Solid Snake's Squad
Metal Gear Solid
Inventive Inhumers
Out for Revenge
Narcissistic and Schizophrenic
Acting With Style
Keen Political Minds
Officially Homicidal
Flamedeath Fellowship[10]
Assassins in Disguise
In Sniper Mode
Combative Assault Collective
Stealth Over Confrontation
Ezlo's Bloodthirsty Brigade
Assassin’s Creed
From Clowns to Butchers
The Ninjas[6]
With Invisible Movements
Reformation Catalysts
Well-Rounded Assassins
Elevated to Slayer Status
Wiggy Charlie's Warriors
The Touchdown Slayers
No More Heroes
Inhumation Bell Clangers
Rigged Teddy Bears
Teatime Prize Winners
With Tools and Traps
The Guiding Hand Social Club[11]
Vega's Villains
Street Fighter
The Mantis Matrix
Oppidians Collective
The Tekko Kagi Team
Street Fighter
Assassin Exam Aces
Skilled Trap Evaders
Well-Mannered Assassins
Not Just Expensive Thugs
Visha Kanya Vixens[6]
poison girls
Difficult to Inhume
The Seemingly Unflappable
On Vetinari's Bad Side
Stealth Slaughterers United
The Table[11]
A Cadre of Lowlifes
Plans Into Action
Without Notice or Provocation
Handheld Claw Advantage
Street Fighter
Master Chief Heroes
The Decimators
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Taking out the Enemy
Morbid Mongrels
Reigning Punisher
Defending Our Clan
Hiding in the Dark
With Traps & Grenades
To Ensnare and Destroy
Incomparable in Murder
Zero's Stealths
Assassin Squad Goals
The Halo Array
Leading the Creed
Assassin’s Creed
Wrath of the Old[10]
The Target Hunters
Different Enemies, Different Tactics
Unseen Assault[12]
Reclaiming What's Ours
Lurking in the Dark
Sword Combat Crew
Action on the Edge
The Zombie Slashers
Great Power, Unnatural Abilities
47's Globetrotting Mercenaries
Assassination With Style
Habitual Conquerer
Resilient Defensive Options
Moze's Grenade Launchers
Borderlands 3
Dark Justiciars[10]
Operatives, Sirens, & Beastmasters
Borderlands 3
Venomous Hands
Assassin Guild Name Generator
How to Create a Great Assassin Guild Name
As noted above, most assassin guild names trend toward intimidation, but there are a few different ways you can go with your guild name, from funny to frightening.
Even if you choose a funny name, consider incorporating dark words like “mayhem” and “destroy.”
Assassins do deal in murder, after all! Even if your name is ironic or darkly humorous, using words like this will keep it tuned in to your group’s purpose and theme.
Regardless of the tone you choose, you can also find inspiration from many places to create your assassin guild name, including books, movies, TV shows, and games (either the one you’re playing or other favorites). Put a spin on a title, favorite character, or fictional organization.
You can also think of things that are as threatening as assassins — like zombies and black widows — and incorporate those into your name, as seen in our list above with examples like “Black Widow Brigade.”