109 Best ’80s Team Names & Trivia Group Names (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

The 1980s were a colorful decade, remembered as the time of Reaganomics, yuppies, iconic teen movies like “The Breakfast Club,” synthesizers, mixtapes, fluorescent clothes, and Tetris.[1][2]
Though we sometimes associate the ’90s more with innovation due to the emergence of the internet, there were also a lot of influential inventions in the ’80s, including stealth planes, artificial hearts, the Space Shuttle, and personal computers.[3]
The 1980s are back in style, and if you’re heading for an ’80s trivia night or other ’80s-themed activity, you need to find a totally radical team name.
Choose from our list of suggestions below, use our team name generator, or check out our tips to create your very own wicked ’80s team name!
’80s Team Names & Trivia Group Names
Atari Avengers
The Brat Pack
Material Girls[4]
Bueller... Bueller...[4]
Big Hair Battalion
Team Tang
Knight Riders[5]
Where's the Beef?[4]
Neon Nation
Culture Club[5]
For Members Only
Fraggle Rockers
Walkman Warriors
The Breakfast Club[4]
Eat Our Shorts!
Page Me, Beep Me
The Goonies
We Want Our MTV
Rubik's Rebels
Cassette Collective
Cool Ranch Cult
reference to the popular flavor of Doritos
Acid Wash Allstars
Berlin Wall Crumblers
Ridgemont High Graduates
reference to Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Mall Rats
No Whammy![4]
Ninja Turtle Tactics
Half-Shell Heroes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reference
reference to Hulk Hogan
Polaroid Posse
Princess Diana's Fan Club
Top Gunners
Excellent Adventurers
reference to Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
VHS Vigilantes
Dallas Derelicts
Valley Girls
Cabbage Patch People
The Footloose Crew
Oodles of Caboodles
Extinct Radio Stars
Kinder Rewinders
Shoulder Pad Patrol
Swatch Watch Wonders
Be Kind, Rewind[4]
IBM Nation
PacMan Posse
Bandstand Battalion
Club of Culture
Alf's Alliance
The Sony Society
The Trivial Pursuits[4]
Persian Gulf Unit
Lennon's Legacy
The Leg Warmers[5]
The Reaganists
Married by Moon
Sucka MCs
Geneva Summit Set
Car Phone Callers
Cold War Clan
Reaganomics Ring
M*A*S*H Division
Madonna's Prayers
The 64 Commodores
Notable Post-Its
Portable Motorolas
No Can Do
Wall Street Warriors
Jocks & Nerds
Totally Brill
short for “totally brilliant”
The Bogus Bunch
Care Bear Circle
Team Tubular
Cold War Thaw
Global Reverberations
Yes Way
The Airheads
Funky Fresh Fam
The Burnouts
Trivial Pursuit Allstars
Gang of Ghostbusters
Radical Ruckus
New Coke![4]
Teen Wolves[5]
Fanny Pack Force
Wallpaper Wonders
Rattan Rebels
Xanadu, Xanadon't[4]
The Turntable Tribe
Razzles, Skittles, & Pop Rocks
Treasure Trolls
Air Jordans Patrol
Kodak Moments
Zelda's Warriors
Marbles Masters
Karate Kids
The A-Team
'80s Babies
The Indiana Joneses
Blade Runners
The Gremlins
Returning Jedis
John Hughes High Schoolers
Miami Sound Machines
Day-Glo Dream Team
’80s Trivia Team Name Generator
How to Create an ’80s Trivia Team Name
Haven’t found the perfect name on our list? Don’t have a cow! The following tips will transport your team right back to the 1980s:
- Reflect on major events and trends of the 1980s. Create a team name based on popular 1980s fads, items, or events that happened. You can draw inspiration from politics, fashion, food — basically anything! If the original name or phrase does not work as a team name, change it by adding or removing words or tweaking the actual word itself.
- Use the names of your favorite 1980s singers, songs, actors, or TV shows. Even if the 1980s are before your time, you’ve probably seen or heard of at least a few popular TV shows or heard iconic songs from that period. If you and/or your team have a favorite, create a team name with it. If you have several favorites, list them so your team can take a vote to choose the best.
- Look up slang terms that were created in the 1980s — or create your own! Use words that were coined or made more popular in the 1980s like “airhead,” “bite me,” “bogus,” “gnarly,” or “tubular.” You can even make up your own term that defines how you and your team feel about the 1980s.