1,343 Best Team Names for Groups of All Kinds (Curated & Ranked) + Generator

Teamwork plays a part in our lives long after the days of school sports teams and science class projects.
You might join a team for recreation and socializing, find yourself on a dedicated project team for work, or continue playing sports long into adulthood.
Teamwork generates unity, friendship, and loyalty among groupmates.[1]
It’s also proven to generate better ideas, foster innovation, decrease burnout, improve productivity, make team members happier, and even lead to personal growth.[2]
Some team names are activity-based; for example, fantasy football teams will usually have football-related names. But sometimes, your team calls for a more generalized name or doesn’t want to use an obvious reference.
Below, we list around 1,300 team names that work for groups of any kind. Find many options for funny, intimidating, and other types of group names below — or scroll past the list for our tips on creating your own great team name!
Note: While we’ve included some options for teams that might want a gender-specific name in the “Girls/Female” section of this list, your team can use any name it chooses!
Our Uniforms Match[3]
Alley Cats
Ferocious Bubble Eaters
Quarter Life Crisis[4]
Bed Bath and Beyonce[3]
Ability Meets No Effort[5]
Delicate Sumo Wrestlers
an oxymoron since Sumo wrestlers are large and strong
Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies[3]
Random Couch Potatoes
Walkie Talkies
Boom Shaka Laka[3]
We Showed Up
low expectations
Crash Test Dummies
Alive Zombie Puppets
Reckless Snapping Turtles
Asylum Escapees
Not Last Place[3]
Racing Insomniacs
Yesterday’s Incredibles[4]
past your prime
East of the Equator[3]
Quick-Witted and Daft
Chucklesome Collective
Instinctively Wacky
naturally weird
Too Cool for School
The Frenzy
The Half Pints
short people
Ridiculously Wrong
Savage and Average[5]
Mythical Techies
Driven to Distraction
so bored
A Team With No Name[3]
Sporadic Laughs
Mediocrity At Its Best[5]
Troop of Fools
Purple People Eaters
reference to the popular song
Wild Cookie Monsters
Wonderful Losers
The Village Idiots[3]
Menace to Sobriety
obnoxious drinkers
Human Calculators Club
Skilli Vanilli[3]
reference to Milli Vanilli
Accidentally on Purpose
Technologically Challenged
We’re Better[4]
Dicey Desert Hyenas
Chasing Our Tails
running in circles
Historically Disagreeable
Dancing Bears
Glorified Street Sweepers
Axis of No Talent[3]
Greenbacks Forever
The Irrelevants
Remote Control Parents
Smells Like Team Spirit
a play on the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana
Village Grammarians
grammar police
Redheaded Stepchildren[3]
Wardrobe Malfunction
Glam Guffowers
The Dark Horses
not predicted to win
Philanthropic Elves
Jokers Club
The Nameless Ones
Alarm Clock Snoozers
Screaming Cat Herders
The Embarrassments[4]
Out-of-Date Browsers
Team Higgledy-Piggledy
Just Shuffling Along
The Caboose[3]
The Mullet Mafia[3]
Game of Drones[3]
Intermittent Humor
Shape Shifters
The Rebooters
starting over
Great Name Pending[3]
Colony of Weirdos[4]
Gnarly Heroic Introverts
shy but brave
Melting Snowmen
Wheaties Box Rejects
not champions in sports
Bean Counters
accountants or thrifty people
Team Double Dips[3]
Furious George[3]
Artificially Intelligent Snowpeople
The Brainiacs
male programmers
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos[3]
The Moneygrams
Spontaneously Comical
Fueled by Hops[3]
Free Margaritas
Cluttered Minds
One-Hit Wonders
The Riotous Rib-Ticklers
Last-Minute Shoppers
Team Team[3]
Lunch Breakers
Shoddy Music Masters
Twizzle Fizzlers
Unique Brand of Droll
dry humor
The Tongue-In-Cheek Crew
Minimum Wagers
Heroic Sandpipers
Court Jesters
acronym for “taking care of business”
Here for Beer
wanting free beer
Festive Fools
Not Rehearsed
natural talent
The Aces[6]
Civil Disobedience
Rebelliousness is Key
Mind Benders
Perpetual Motion
never stops
Scattered Stars
Unlimited Bandwidth
No Objections
Borrowed Time
Reflective Spotlights
Champions of Cool
Dreamless Sleep
Incredible Dreams
Open Invitation
inclusive and welcoming
Paradigm Shifters
The Open Books
The Wolf Pack
Rosie's Riveters
reference to Rosie the Riveter
Suspended in Time
Echoes of Awesomeness
Under the Deadline
Erratic Wave Function
ups and downs
The Yellowjackets
Rebel Roundup
Deliberate Rule Breakers
We Never Fail
Ingenious and Bold
Bad Intentions[3]
The Cool Aura Group
Trendsetting Echoes
Genuine Versions
Aesthetic of Attitude
Excellent Avengers
Components of Cool
Homerun Hitters
In Overdrive
Laser Focused
Mighty Ducks
Mystery Solvers
In the Know
Overexposed Negatives
reference to film photography
Peak Performers
No Nonsense[4]
Raging Ravagers
Mind Crusaders
Cool and Composed
Reset Pushers
tour crew for musicians
Hip to Be Square
smart is cool
The Whiz Kids
Summit Climbers
Supersonic Powerhouse
Team Enthusiastic
The Happy Casters
spreading happiness
The Impressive Ones
The Lost Boys
Trailblazing Mavericks
Winning Warlocks
Photographic Minds
great memory
Shades for Days
So Gucci
Totally Hyped
Creative, Clever, Witty, and Catchy
Catch Us If You Can
Profound Nuances
Clever Shadows
Barefoot Executives
Dream Catchers
Ties and Tiaras
Rusty Halos
Occupational Hazards
Educated Guesses
Nothing Is Everything
Dynamic Energy
Creative Punishment
The Most Piquant
Shimmy Shakers
Sidewalk Prophet Squad
Team Oxford Comma
Tongue Twisters
Goal Diggers
Kicking Assets
Primary Colors
Big Time Winners
Skilled Mortals
The Underdogs
Making the Grade
Adept Inhabitants
Control Freaks
Creative Comics
Number Crunchers
Dream Crushers
Flying Sparks
The Germophobes
Invisible Wizards
Magnetic Fields
The Plaid Pantsuits
Sand Dollar Millionaires
Techie Tribe
Variations of Wit
Witty Wanderers
Ingenious Innovators
The Incredibelles:[7]
Mayhem Madams
Venomous Vixens
Mermaid Maidens
Mayhem Mavens
Chicks With Sticks
hockey or field hockey players
Dangerous Divas
Floral Cottage Fairies
Bone Crushing Ballerinas[7]
Girls With Attitude
Synthetic Extensions
No More Mr. Nice Girl
Queen Bees
Team Spanx
Pink Chiffon Fluff
Classy N Fabulous
Pink Rangers
The Tomboys[7]
Chicks With Kicks
Vicious Ladybugs
The Matriarchy[7]
Wild Angels
Bold & Beautiful
Tiaras and T-Shirts
Twirls and Curls
The Beauty Brigade
Mayhem on Heels
a play on “hurricanes”
Girls On Fire[4]
The HERd[4]
The Ginger Snaps
for redheads
Determined to Rise
Glam Girls
The Ponytail Posse
The Amazonians[7]
Bedazzled Monograms
Wildly Capable
The Scrunchie Squad
The Hericanes:[3]
The Powderpuff Girls
reference to the cartoon
Highlights & Lowlights
hair color
a play on “incredible” and “belles”
Blooming Wildflowers
Dancing Queens
Taco Belles[3]
The Pin-Ups[7]
Fly Girls
Stilettos Forever
Forget Us Not
All Pastels and Sparkles
The French Manicures
Galactic Girls
Bedazzled Hearts
Girl Power
Lady Meteors
The Precious Gems
First Ladies[4]
The Soul Sisters
Lucky Ladybugs
Postcards from Venus[4]
Tea Spillers
Kind, Fierce, & Brave
Pink Power
The BB and CC Brigade
named after BB and CC cream
Clothed in Strength and Dignity
Rose Gold Accessories
The Sparkle Squad
Grit Anchored in Grace
The Strawberry Shortcakes
Charming Chicks
Fabulously Fierce
Phenomenally Phenomenal
The Shimmering Eyes Club
reference to shimmering eyeshadow
The Vintage Pearls
The Catwalk Crew
love fashion
Wonder Women
Masters of Makeup
Run Like the Winded[3]
run like the wind
Planet of the Snapes
a play on Planet on the Apes and the Harry Potter character Snape
Death and Taxis
a play on “death and taxes”
an intimidating play on “pandemonium”
The Poison IVs
a macabre play on “poison ivy”
Not Fast, Just Furious
reference to Fast and Furious
The Catastrophysicists
a play on “catastrophe” and “astrophysicists”
Forks to Be Reckoned With
We're Tea-riffic!
a play on “terrific”
The Rural Family
a play on “the royal family”
Angry Bards
a Shakespearean take on the game Angry Birds
Taco ‘Bout It
a play on “talk about it”
Agony of de Feet[3]
agony of defeat
Sole Survivors
a play on the dual meaning of “sole” (a shoe’s bottom or the only one of something); good for running or walking teams
Team Pour Decisions[8]
poor decisions
Squad Ghouls[8]
squad goals
The Escaped Goats
a play on “scapegoats”
The PUNishers
a reference to puns using the word “punisher”
Fedoral Offenses
a play on “federal offenses” referencing fedora hats
The No-Bell Prize Winners
a play on “Nobel Prize winners”
Beast Friends[8]
best friends
In Queso Emergency
a play on “in case of emergency”
Quite the Spooktacle
a ghostly play on “quite the spectacle”
We’re Not Cheetahs
for an honest team
Soul Ownership
a play on “sole ownership”
Hakuna Moscato[8]
Too Many Bugs
a play on the dual meaning of bugs (computer and insect) for a tech team
Fast but Not Furious
reference to the Fast and Furious movie series
Game of Throws
reference to Game of Thrones
Blunder and Lightning
thunder and lightning
Pain It Forward
pay it forward
Kentucky Fired-Up Chickens
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Not Fast or Furious
reference to Fast and Furious
The Dishonor Students
honor students
Purple Reign
Purple Rain
Walking on the Mild Side
walk on the wild side
Twisted Blisters
Twisted Sister
The Lyin' Kings
lion king
Happily Never After
ever after
The InvestiGATORS
a play on “investigator” and alligators
Hunger Dames
Hunger Games
a play on “excellence”
a play on “eliminators”
Armed and Grangerous
a play on “armed and dangerous” referencing Harry Potter’s Hermione Granger
Turtle-y Awesome[8]
totally awesome
a play on “economics”
The Appall-iticans
a play on “appalling” and “politicians”
Anything Ghost
a spooky play on “anything goes”
The Friendchips[8]
Kind of a Big Dill[8]
big deal
Trek or Treat
a play on trick or treating that references Star Trek
The Fineapples[8]
Les Quizerables
a play on “Les Miserables” for a trivia/quiz team
Here’s Booking at You, Kid
a bookish play on the famous Casablanca movie quote, “Here’s looking at you, kid”
The Somebunnies[8]
You’ve Gotta Be Kitten
a play on “you’ve gotta be kidding”
a play on “tattletales”
Otterly Awesome[8]
Nacho Business
a play on “not your business”
Readers of the Pack
a bookish play on “leaders of the pack”
The Best Teas[8]
The INKredibles
a play on “the incredibles”
The Im-pastas
a play on “imposters”
a play on the lyrics to “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” referencing CEOs and/or CIOs
Pay the Trolls
a play on “pay the tolls”
Just Give Me a Riesling
a play on “just give me a reason”
Waist Management
a play on “waste management”; suitable for a weight loss or fitness team
Pizza Our Hearts
a play on “piece of our hearts”
The Squeakquel
a play on “sequel”
Smelly Team Spirits
reference to the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
The Gee Bees
Bee Gees
Math Hysteria
a play on “mass hysteria”
Taters Gonna Tate[8]
for potato lovers
Gangs of New Pork[3]
reference to Gangs of New York
Won Direction
One Direction
Gimme One Riesling
Gimme One Reason
Pho Real[8]
In Plane Sight
in plain sight
Knotty N Ice
naughty and nice
Let's Get Fiscal
reference to the Olivia Newton-John song “Physical”
Shrimply the Best[8]
simply the best
Oil Be Back
I’ll be back
Darth Taters
Darth Vader
One Trek Minds
one-track mind
Keep Calm and Curry On
keep calm and carry on
Tequila Mockingbirds[9]
To Kill a Mockingbird
One Trek Minds
one-track minds
Days of Wine & Roaches
wine and roses
The Cereal Thrillers
Ketchup If You Can
catch us if you can
The Chunky Monkeys
Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream
The Umpire Strikes Back
The Empire Strikes Back
The Volley Llamas
Dalai Lama
Guerillas in the Mist
“unwich” sandwich
The Whine Club
wine club
Yeti to Party
ready to party
Sinners Take All
Team Eggcellent
Mighty Morphin Stock Exchangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
The Fossil Fools
fossil fuels
Dirty, Inappropriate, Vulgar, and Rude
Pernicious Influences
Begrimed Brigade
ingrained dirt
Piston Broke[10]
Ankle-Biting Butt Munchers
Aesthetically Grim
dark yet lovely
The Noxious Network
very unpleasant
Closed Coffin
Projectile Pukers
Raw Sewage
human waste
Scaly Skin Lesions
In a Feculent Bog
in waste
The Crude Rude Crew
Smelly Gym Clothes
Dripping Plasma
Ear Wax Cannibals
The Burps
The Silent Tooters[4]
The Vulgar Talismans
bad luck
Team Disease-Ridden
Deleterious Effects
Farting Fiasco
Big Sticks[10]
Ball Busters
Belching Oxen
Five Second Rule[7]
Chaotic Spitballs
Verbal Vomit
Crusty Pink Eyes
Snake Charmers
Nose Pickers[7]
Furry Foot Fungus
Green Boogers
Standard Infection
Gross Idiots
Hairy-Backed Ogres
Pull My Finger[7]
Intestinal Hookworms
Itchy Red Rashes
Long-Range Spitters
Nail Biting Zit Pickers
Nose Diggers
Offensive Odors
Oozing Infected Boils
Phlegm Throwers
a play on flamethrowers
Team Body Odor[7]
Raging Diarrhea
The Rude Willies
The Urinal Cakes
Sweat Avalanche
Sweaty Pits
Team Toe Jam
Virulent Microbes
The Who's Who of Human Crap
horrible people
Toxic Mold
Ugly Crusty Team
Crusty Scabs
Bad*ss, Strong, Powerful, Winning, and Tough
Unafraid of the Dark
Team Priceless[11]
The Nemesis[12]
Everyday Poison
Wave Riders
Into the Wild
Fire and Ice[11]
The Chaos
Destruction Corps
Feral Cats
No Fear[12]
No Sympathy[13]
End Game[13]
Python Rebels
Mountain Wranglers
Torque Troupe[11]
Road Trip Rebels
The Brick Walls
The Rebellion[13]
Razor-Sharp Minds
The Intimidators[11]
Quick-Witted Trailblazers
Amped Up
The Cyclones
Brute Force
Category 10
strong storm
Curves and Edges
soft yet strong
The Butchers[11]
The Blitz[11]
Team Stratosphere[13]
Steel Cells
Hurricane Force
The Dominators[12]
Rowdy Revelers
Samurai Bandits
Overdrive Cruisers
cruising in high gear
Power Play
Storm Surge
Super Strength
Divide and Conquer[13]
The Cavalry
The Shield[11]
Thunder Wranglers
The Empowered[13]
War Hawks
Ravenous Rampage
The Warriors
Iron-Handed Tyrants
The Predators
The Pythons
Poison Phantoms
The Bone Chillers
Perhaps Unhinged?
might be psycho
Vengeance Is Ours
Don't Poke the Bear
Proceed With Caution
Asserting Ourselves
Vengeance Legends
Ever Daunting
Ominous Impressions
Confrontational Collective
High-Key Rampage
The Squash Squad
subdue by force
Arbitrary Oppressive Powers
The Ire Legends
their anger is legendary
All Fired Up
No Compassion, No Remorse
We Bite
The Nightmares[14]
Screaming Skulls
On a Rampage
The Arsenal[14]
The Menacing Crowd
The Doom Squad
Nightmare Odyssey
Impending Doom
The Bravehearted[14]
Cyclone Avalanche
Bounty Hunters[14]
Always Formidable
Team Danger[14]
The Tyrannizers
Team Dystopia
Arsenal of Vengeance
The Elite Arm Twisters
Domineering Dominators
Defeat & Conquer
Reigning as Tyrants
Wrath Will Rise
With Rage and Fury
Don't Poke the Dragon
Scary, Aggressive, Epic, and Crazy
Elements of Danger
State of Lament
Wildly Uncontrolled
Non-Stop Madness
Lethal Tribe
Ecstatic Evil
Hurricane Watch
Your Worst Nightmare
Grave Diggers
Security Risks
Foaming at the Mouth
In a Shallow Grave
Blood Bath and Beyond[5]
Dark Clouds
Black Skeletons
Black Widows
Blood Thieves
Blue Demons
Night Stalkers
Lab Rats
The Last
Frankenstein's Friends
Ghost Wasps
Children of the Corn
inspired by the horror movie of the same name
Headless Spinners
Militant Cyborgs
Night Crawlers
Nothing But Darkness
Ozone Pirates
stealing your oxygen
Rusty Nails
Shattered Hysterics
Something Wicked
Doomsday Chaos
Tainted Termites
Toxic Acquaintances
Troubled Slumber
The Undertakers
funeral directors
Simply Catastrophic
Amityville Horrors
evil spirits
Bad Omens
signs of trouble
Mutant Zombies
Borderline Personalities
Carnivore Scorpions
Crazy Creatures
Creepy Crawlers
Crimson Mutants
Flying Monkeys
just like in The Wizard of Oz
Ghost Ninja Miners
Grumbling Slingers
Hair Raisers
Cave Critters
Rabid Copperheads
Rattletrap Whiplash
Poison Spiders
Redneck Daredevils
Scare Factory
Scream Seekers
Spirit Shadows
Tasmanian Devils
Terror Zone
Turpentine Elixir
United Kamikaze Pilots
Wandering Souls
We Have Fangs
Wicked Chameleons
Woke Warlocks
The Green Banshees
The Haunted
Zombie Crew
Marionette Maniacs
Voodoo Grasshoppers
evil grasshoppers
Evil Cackles
Battling Bathers[15]
Leaping Leopards
Chemical Silverfish
The Yard Goats[16]
Ocean Clones
The Axe Whackers
The Clogged Drains
Underwater Breathers
Reformed Samaritans
no longer nice
Wilderness Overlords
Recreationally Shrewd
Creepy Snow Babies
Lightening Fluff
The Fighting Planets[15]
Avant-Garde Fire Ants
Banana Slugs[15]
Marmalade Gnats
Monsters Being Spontaneous
The Baby Cakes[16]
Beige Worms
Butte Pirates[15]
The Biscuits[15]
Dungeon Creepers
Fighting Koalas
The Isotopes[16]
Jumbled Garden Slugs
Lingering Centipedes
Midnight Reptiles
The Alouettes[16]
Plastic Veggies
toy food
Slimy Green Scum
The Zippers[16]
The Russet Potatoes[15]
Ugly Criers
The Jumbo Shrimp[16]
Broccoli Brigade
Wampus Cats[15]
a strange folklore cat
Sand Gnats[15]
The Rubber Duckies[16]
Feisty Fire Ants
Strikingly Odd
Sleepy Hedgehogs
Whizzy Wishers
Without a Paddle
out of control
Our Second Act
trying again
Laughing Tamales
Just Our Imagination
The Starbursts[17]
Daring to Dance
Snickerdoodle Club
Clue Us In
Baker's Dozen
Pink Magic[17]
Lottery Winners
Lucky Koi Fish
Vintage Tea Cups
Off the Cuff
Flower Power[4]
Happy Feet[3]
One Vote Short
Beauty School Dropouts
Cupcakes Anonymous[17]
Blizzard Warning
The Gazelles[13]
The Angels[13]
Coffee Clutchers
Falling Leaves
Starfish Wishes
Miracle Workers
Mocha Lattes
The Introverted Extroverts[13]
The Aristocats
reference to the Disney movie
Twist of Fate
meant to be
The Charmers[13]
Apple Turnovers
The Violets[17]
Beans and Cornbread
The Butterflies[13]
Soaring the Skies
Biscuits and Gravy
The Heart Warmers[13]
The Cabin Crew
The Cold Shoulders
Blueberry Cobblers
The New Romantics[13]
Cabbage Roses
The Awesome Blossoms[17]
Captivating Cats
The Dazzling Avengers
The Kind Cavalry
Champagne Pixies
Cosmic Rays
The Honey Bees[13]
Fluffy Unicorns
Kickin' It Up
The Minions[13]
The Fluttering Hearts
Lightning Bolts
The Flower Pots[17]
Spearmint Angels
Sunflower Warriors
The Lemon Drops[13]
The Paint Brushes
The Soda Shop Gang
The Kittens[13]
Floating Stars
Sweet Sunbursts
Swizzle Sticks
drink stirrers
Peas in a Pod[13]
Puppy Eyes
Baby Bumblebees
Marshmallow Clouds
Batman and Robin
comic book characters
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
from Sherlock Holmes stories
Copy and Paste
data replication
Bill and Hillary
Clinton family
Half & Half
Tom and Jerry
cat and mouse
Two Degrees
Good and Evil
Red and Blue
reference to Halo
Chips and Salsa
Chips and Dip
Acoustic & Electric
R2D2 and C3PO
Star Wars characters
A Wink and a Smile
song lyrics
Hit and Miss
Scooby-Doo and Shaggy
cartoon characters
Beauty and the Beast
Disney movie
Gruesome Twosome
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Bogie and Bacall
classic film stars
Carrie and Mr. Big
Sex and the City characters
Danny and Sandy
Grease characters
Fred and Barney
The Flintstones characters
Thelma and Louise
Lucy and Ricky
I Love Lucy characters
Mickey and Minnie
Disney characters
Moon and Stars
Peas and Carrots
Popeye and Olive Oyl
classic cartoon characters
Sweet and Salty
Sweet and Spicy
Sweet and Sour
Wine and Cheese
Turquoise and Silver
Snoopy and Woodstock
cartoon characters
Tweety and Sylvester
cartoon characters
Ham and Eggs
Two Turtle Doves
Rhythm and Blues
Ross and Rachel
Friends characters
Salt and Pepper
Thing One and Thing Two
Dr. Seuss reference
Blue Pill, Red Pill
reference to The Matrix
Ren and Stimpy
cartoon characters
Salt & Pepper
Find more ideas in our dedicated list of team names for duos.
Groups of Four
The Four Horsemen
of the apocalypse
Basic Elements
air, earth, fire, water
Two Times Two’s Company[19]
Four-ced Together[19]
Double Daters
two couples
Four Seasons
summer, fall, winter, spring
Uncalled Four[4]
uncalled for
Four Directions
north, south, east, west
Quad Squad[18]
Perfect Foursome
Four Score[18]
Quatro Compadres[19]
The United Kingdom
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
Four Degrees
Four Calling Birds
The Compass Crew[19]
north, south, east, and west
Four on the Floor
The Core Four[18]
FourWard Motion
a play on “forward motion”
Loki and Four[18]
Four Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
The Beatles[18]
Four Wise Owls
The Ghostbusters[18]
Fours of Nature
a play on “force of nature”
F4ast Friends[19]
fast friends
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind[19]
The Eclectic Quartet
Four Senses
The Fab Four
Four Sure[18]
Four Sisters[18]
Fantastic Four
Square Squad[19]
best friends four (for) life
The Four Pillars
Four Squares[19]
The G4
like the G4 nations
The Fun-tastic Four[18]
Four Limbs
legs and arms
Fourth Quarter Comebacks[19]
Four Corners[18]
Gang of Four
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Always With Mischief
The Mother Goose Crew
Lullaby League
Kung Fu Pandas
Puddle Jumpers
The Little Dreamers
Firefly Catchers
The Make-Believe Kind
The Nap Time Network
Leggo Our LEGOS!
Play Time Peeps
Kid's Klub
The String Cheese Squad
Super Sonic Kids
PB&J Forever
The Sandcastle Squad
Teddy Bear Brigade
Crayons & Colored Pencils Crew
Radio Flyer Force
Now We Know Our ABCs
The Imagination Crowd
Sticky Faces Troop
The Rowdies[20]
Sunscreen & Bare Feet
Smiling Stars
Crawl, Toddle, & Run
American Girls[20]
Candy Land Collective
Hoots & Hollers
Balloon Bonanza
Chocolate Coins
Not Without Devices
obsessed with technology
The Selfie Squad
The Pack[21]
Texters, Not Talkers
Sense of Adventure
Pop Culture Posse
The Loft Mates[21]
Fairy Lights Brigade
The Lost Girls/Boys[21]
Anime Is Our Life
Leading the Rebellion
A Generation of Memes
Ready for the World
In a Mood
Unstoppable Forces
The Gaming Network
Pizza, Tacos, & Sushi
favorite foods
The Teenage Dreams[22]
The Gaming Chairs
Dreams & Goals Forever
Destiny’s Children[21]
Melodramatic Purple Group
Neon Nails Collective
The Denim Jacket Life
Every Day AirPods
music lovers
The Fashionista Force
Food Is Bae
before all else
The Peachy Queens[21]
The Sleep & Pizza Squad
Pixie Dust
The League of Extraordinary Guessers[9]
Airing Grievances
Ghost Writers
Invisible Chaos
Kings and Vagabonds
We Overslept[9]
Unconscious Society
Road Scholars[9]
Mismatched Stuff
Wireless Intelligence
Contrived Scenarios
Looks Cool From Afar
Eclectic Collections
Bandwagon Jumpers[9]
Team Dis[9]
Bits and Bobs
Antique Fixtures
By a Landslide
Can't Pin Us Down
Paradise Reversed
Real Replacements[9]
Clearance Rack
Cold Front
Damaged Emeralds
Up a Notch[9]
Electric Fringe
peer pressure
Battling Mongooses[9]
Deconstructed Organization
Diamond Dust
Hail Storm
Images Attached
Iridescent Mosaics
Team Turbulence[9]
Lit Fireflies
Losing Winners
Malfunctioning Mechanisms
On the Fritz
Not Really There
Professional Pirates
Psychotic Magic
The Tyrant Nerds
Epic Failures[9]
Tsunami Warning
Here to Establish an Alibi[9]
Wildflower Bouquet
Wretched Embellishments
End Zone Apocalypse
Suggested Playlist
Supernova Stars
Critical References
Brilliant Auras
Bee Keepers
Competitive Wonders
Blizzard Conditions
Corduroy Cowbells[9]
The Hula Hoops[9]
Cajun Hot Wings
Cirrus Clouds
Crazed Wombats
Drive-In Fools
Electronic Dance Rhythm
Fire Breathing Fairies
Drum Circle Heartbeats
Smarty Pints[9]
Flamingo Sparkles
Flash Flood
Beer Pressure:[9]
Frost Warning
Garden Gnomes
Disco Ninjas
Glowing Horizon
[Number] Hearts, One Beat[9]
insert the number of team members
Impartial Game Plan
Marketing Maestros
Storm Surge
The Cow Tippers[9]
Painted Pebbles
The Hip Replacements[9]
Moon Dogs
Rogue Puppies
Sapphire Fireworks
Pattern of Stars
Secret Shoppers
Shiplap Sailors
The Sun Dogs
Threaded Needles
Virtual Tact
The Pinking Shears
zig zag scissors
The Sous Chefs
Hot Dog Water[9]
Scented Soaps
Painted Pastel
Sky Hoppers
My Team Doesn’t Know This Is a Date[23]
Team of Pain
Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers[3]
The Toxic Family
We're Not Housebroken
Cathartic Pandemonium
Ditch Fairies
Doomsday Derelicts
Podunk Hopscotch Mafia[3]
Flannel Mirage
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
Cool Name Pending[23]
Tacky Wrappers
Fuchsia Fiesta
Limping Desperados
Low Expectations[3]
Salty Squad
Business as Unusual[23]
Shaking It Up
Singing Cicadas
No Game Scheduled[23]
Victorious Secrets
Victoria’s Secret
Wise Old Owls
A Cappella Polkadots
Astro Dribblers
Bad Hair Days
Cabbage Patchers
Backdoor Sliders[23]
Cheese Doodles
Chitter Chatters
Dashboard Spiders
Sweet Sassy Molasses[3]
Dinky Ducks
Dramatic Thrillers
Dune Climbers
Flailing Caterpillars
The Llama’s Pajamas[23]
Fluffy Angel Cakes
Flying Mortal Penguins
Fire Breathing Hamsters[3]
Flying Sea Turtles
Miracle Whipped[23]
Fortune Buffet
Smiling Cupcakes
Snoring Wallabies
French Toast Mafia
The Miracle Whips[3]
The Flaky Pastry
Air Farce One[23]
Funky Town Monkeys
Gingerbread Men
Hideous Babies
Sausage Factory[23]
Horizontal Treble Clefs
Fluffy Monkeys
Man-Eating Squirrels
Optimistic Noodle Squad
Peculiar Cloud Wipeout
Piercing Succulents
Fly Like a Beagle[23]
Prancing Beatniks
Screaming Goats
The Tiny Cups
The Talented Folk
Seafaring Sunflowers
Simmering Knights
Swamp Donkeys
Squirrely Toddlers
The Flaming Marshmallows[3]
Steamroller Tycoons
Trigger Happy Bunnies
Voodoo Gnomes
The Cozy Cardigans
The Jelly Bellies
The Crazy Sanes
Whirling Dervishes
Cinnamon Swirls
Drag Raceaholics
Why Be Typical?
Nerds of a Feather[3]
Nerd Is a Verb
acting like nerds
Waiting for Player 5
Nerds Rule the World
Luke’s Father
Star Wars reference[1]
From Unicorns to Werewolves
Fantasy Before Reality
lovers of fiction
We Speak Geek
We Who Shall Not Be Named[3]
Harry Potter reference
The Instinctive Aptitude Element
Divide by Zero[24]
Instinctively Genius
Hemoglobin Trotters[24]
Exclusive Nether Hazards
Alderaan Duran[24]
reference to Star Wars and Duran Duran
Perpetual Motion Squad[24]
Batman v Superman[25]
Most Likely to Succeed
Unapologetically Quirky
Forever a Half-Life[24]
Contingent Upon Eccentricity
Random Genius Instincts
Absolutely Not Muggles
definitely not non-magical
Pixies, Sprites, and Imps
The Mischief Makers
Optimum Experience Levels
The Seven Year Quid-itch[25]
Diverted to the Phantom Zone
Hobbits in the Shire
Lord of the Rings
The Arbitrarily Whimsical Group
The Hyperintelligent Crowd
A Flair for Genius
In the Wizarding World
Harry Potter
Geeks in Sneaks[3]
Team of Outstanding Merit
The Nerd Herd[3]
Nerd Is the Word
a play on “grease is the word”
The Intellectually Brilliant Brigade
Come to the Nerdy Side
Full Frontal Nerdity[9]
Always Extraordinary
Enthusiastically Nerdy
The Ghast Mob
gaming ghosts
Nerd Life is Better
The Taped Eyeglass Tribe
tape your broken glasses
Biome Region Brigade
Nyan Cat of Doom[25]
The Intelligence Force
Talk Nerdy to Us
Comic-Con Junkies
We Have Π
Digital Circuitry Crew
The Cube Root[24]
Eccentric Enthusiasts
Spock’s Brain[25]
The Anime Soundtrack Squa
In the J-Pop Zone
Japanese pop
Staggering Genius Collective
Team Fantastically Whimsical
Not Accidental Geniuses
The Marvel Superheroes
The Sons of Tesla[24]
The Bruce Wayne Brigade
The Clark Kent Collective
May the Force Be With Us
Star Wars
The Wookiees
Star Wars reference
Honoring Our Vulcan Heritage
Star Wars
Aboard the Starship Enterprise
Star Trek
With the Shire-Folk
Lord of the Rings
Doctor Who reference[1]
Using Our Spider-Sense
Associated With Arithmancy
Harry Potter
The Spock Monkeys[25]
The Matrix Zone
The Matrix
Depicting Dystopian Futures
The Matrix
Amongst the Tribbles
Star Trek
Tech Geniuses United
Caped Crusader Corps
Radioactive Spider Powers
Universal Men of Steel
The Unicode Characters
Kryptonite Kollective
Fighting Dragons
The Fig Neutrons[25]
Encoders and Decoder
Accuracy and Precision
Perpetually Intellectually Oriented
love to learn
Nerkles and Nerds
reference to Dr. Suess
Eager Eggheads
Find more options in our dedicated list of nerdy team names.
Luck Be a Lady
reference to the Frank Sinatra song of the same name
The Never-Ending Lucky Streak
Wheels of Fortune
The Four-Leaf Clovers
The Ladybugs
Rabbit's Feet
The Lucky Stars
The Leprechauns
Get Lucky[26]
Good Karma Club
All You Need Is Luck[26]
Blame It On Bad Luck
reference to the Bayside song of the same name
The Filled Horseshoes
a horseshoe hung with the points upward-facing can “fill” with luck
The Maneki-neko Medley
reference to Japanese lucky cat figurines
The Better Luck Club
The Luckless Monsters
reference to the Loch Ness Monster
The Luckiest
The Lucky Pigs
reference to Germany’s “Glücksschwein” New Year tokens
Lucky Losers
Penny Pickers
Hashtag Blessed
The Talismen/Taliswomen
reference to “talisman,” or a magic object
Luck Over Talent
Making Our Own Luck
Lucky Dice Rollers
The Rainbow's End
where you’ll find a pot of gold
considered a lucky number
The Lucky Charms
Lucky Us
Bā Brigade
reference to the Mandarin for “eight,” considered a lucky number in China
The Big Breaks
The Lucky Ducks
The Bamboo Stalks
considered lucky in Chinese traditions
The Lucky Breaks
On Lucky Street
The Luckness Monsters[26]
The Barnstars
lucky painted or metal stars placed on barns in the rural U.S.
White Elephants
considered a symbol of good fortune in Thailand
Rainbow Chasers
Chance Takers
Wings to Fly
Greatness Defined
Advanced Repairs
Bring It On
Crisis Diversion
Grim Reapers
Method for Madness[27]
Latest and Greatest
Dungeon Dwellers
Lunar Eclipse
Poetic Bloodbath[27]
Storm Chasers
Virtual Reality
Data Breach Indicated
Family Dynamics
According to Plan
Easily Triggered
Formerly Redundant
Hospitable Malice[27]
The Dream Slayers
The Insomniacs
can’t sleep
Code Crackers
Beneath the Landslide
Purveyors of Pain[27]
Death Doctors
Designated Drinkers
Eclectic Attire
Still Spinning Round
The Epic Quotes Club
Executive Authority
Future Predictions
Invisible Universe
About Time
Jetlagged Millennials
Limited Visibility
Lucky Cats
The Origami Cranes
Out of Commission
Out of Office
Passive Aggressive
Perfect Imperfections
Polar Vortex
Quality Control
Recycle Bin
Smooth Operators
Spinal Tappers
The Mad Hatters
The Replacements
The Caffeinated Ones
Wrecking Crew
Gypsy Pandas
Dumbledore’s Army[3]
Calm Carnage[27]
Mind Bogglers
Dark Matter Vendetta[27]
The Salty Pretzels[3]
The Brain Stormers
One Hit Wonders[3]
Keeping Cool
The Brutal Thrills[27]
Black Tie Required
Savy Minded
Skull Hack[27]
Finger Puppet Mafia
Arctic Blast
Caffeinated Leprechauns
Blank Canvas
Brew Crew
Stealth Puppets
Carousel Creatures
Mortal Scream[27]
Zero Carbs
Cruisin' Classics
classic cars
Daily Flossers
dancers with clean teeth
Upcycled Treasures
Still Water Fury[27]
Entertainment Icons
Good Decisions
Hot Rod Confidants
Innovative Technologists
Wannabe Hackers
The Jalapeno Poppers
Light Brigade
Mic Droppers
Target Strategy
Mad Avengers
Marvelous Sugar Rush
The Elite Masters
Never Outwitted
The Pink Berets
The Receptors
Pastel Landslide
Scrubbing Bubbles
Phoenix Rising
The Micro-managers
Skull Crush Serenade[27]
The Muffin Men
Rowdy Roosters
Seaside Vikings
Smokin' Aces
Spitting Llamas
Storm Troopers
Talking Heads
Team Superiority
Tenacious Turtles
The A-Team
The Union Jacks
flag of England
Thunder Ducks
Wild Mustangs
Wood Chuckers
The Defenders
Team Name Generator
How to Create Your Own Great Team Names
Making up a team name isn’t as challenging as it may seem!
With a bit of creative thinking and the following tips, you can easily come up with your own unique name, no matter what type of group you’re in or creating.
- Before creating any name ideas, decide what type of name you want. Will your group require a serious and professional name, or can you use something funny? Do you want something specific to your group’s purpose or just a generalized team name that sounds cool? Set some parameters before you formulate any ideas; it will be easier to choose a group name if you know what you’re looking for exactly.
- Brainstorm together! If your group is well-established and looking to rename itself or has just formed and needs a good name, take input from your group members. The more brainpower you have, the more (and better) ideas you’ll be able to come up with.
- Know that inspiration is everywhere. There is usually no need to limit your group name to a certain subject matter or activity. One exception might be work-related groups, but even those names can refer to popular culture in many cases. You can get inspiration from anywhere — songs, movies, television shows, books, history, brand names, famous quotes, or even memes. Think of things that have made you laugh, or some of your favorite things, and use them as jumping-off points for your team name ideas.
- Give your group a lot of options. Create a hearty list of name options. You’ll already have an idea of what you want when you begin thinking of names, but comparing your options in a list can help you find the best name. Gather all of your ideas together and eliminate the ones you don’t like one at a time, or take a vote!